Am I running my life or is it running me? Join me as I explore ways to keep life simple in our busy modern world.

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Decluttering - relationships

Life is cluttered. At home, we have too much stuff. Days are full of too many commitments. And the online world is full to the brim with relationships that often create more stress than they're worth.

Yes, facebook - I'm talking about you.

I read an account somewhere of a bloke who had 200 facebook friends, and once he deleted his account, only three got in touch with him.

I check facebook quite a bit, probably at least three times a day - and for what? I'd be better off saving up those five minute blocks of time, and using them to have an actual real life conversation with a friend.

So my first effort to simplify is this - I'm de-facebooking myself. I'm going to keep my account open, but hide the news feed so I can't see what people are posting. The aim is to remove the temptation to keep checking it for updates.

And, to increase my chances of success, I'm going to put away my ipod Touch, so my access to the internet is restricted.

I'll do this for the next two weeks, and see what happens.


  1. Sounds like a great idea! Why do we check FB so much.....just something to do I guess, it is not like lots changes on there. Nice idea for a new blogging direction

  2. Isn't FB like a bit of light relief from the daily grind but ?

  3. Yeah it is UD, but I find it addictive and it tends to take over any spare time I have. Plus it's all very trivial and while that's ok, there are other more useful things I could be doing. And more interesting things too! Jen is right when she says not much changes on there.

    Mary, I like the filing cabinet analogy. I think modern life tends to have 'drawers open' all over the place!

  4. Addictave & trivial. Hmm sounds like the 'Blod and the BooHoo-Ful' - we watch it every weekday @ HQ. Papa sleeps thru it, I read the paper, Gran follows B&B intently. Every time I look up there's at a critical situation happening and people overcome with emotion all over the place. The facial surgeons have done alright out of that cast.

  5. lol yeah I've gone through phases with that show! They all look a bit ridiculous now don't they...
