Am I running my life or is it running me? Join me as I explore ways to keep life simple in our busy modern world.

Friday, July 23, 2010

And for my next challenge...

My goal for the next two weeks is to listen more. I love a good conversation, unfortunately however I am often quite bad at really listening to the person who's talking.

I get caught up in the excitement of what I have to say (and of having someone to say it to!) and blurt it out, regularly cutting other people off.

I tend to keep up a fast pace (perhaps because with babies you're always aware of being on their schedule, not your own! Possibly also because I spend a lot of time without adult company, so I leap at the chance to talk about things other than The Wiggles and going to the potty...) and I'd like to slow down.

So - listening ears are on! I'm interested to see what impact this will have, both on relationships and on my stress levels. Hoping it will make for a calmer least some of the time..


  1. You are a good & intelligent listener, you duffer. It's just that you're in a stressful time & all preoccupied. You are doing combat duty. The real world will come back one day and there won't be any wiggles. As Gran said - The 1950's aren't much remembered, they were just a blur.

  2. lol well shanks you two...maybe I am a bit hard on myself. But then again, I do often catch myself interrupting other people, which isn't very good manners. I have been trying to concentrate more on conversations and just slow down a bit.

  3. I'm always interrupting people - like always always. Very bad habit of mine!
