Am I running my life or is it running me? Join me as I explore ways to keep life simple in our busy modern world.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Simple Pleasures

If you want a simple way to give yourself a feeling of satisfaction, achievement and wonder, plant a seed. Seriously - you won't be disappointed! (assuming that it sprouts, that is...)

These are tomato seedlings I've been tending for the last few weeks - it was very exciting to see them 'hatch' out of the soil. I don't think I've ever grown anything from seed before, but I'm liking it very much.


  1. That would be good.

    Mum frequently plants little seedlings in pots around the verandah and puts them in the sun to help them. Then Mickey will sit in the pots, as they are all nice and toasty and he squashes Mum's efforts in the process!

  2. Mickey can't always get things right. After all, he is the Dog in an iron mask.
